Photo by Paris Tavitian

About Kyvèli Zoi


Kyvèli is a painter living and working in Athens, Greece. In her work she creates oneiric situations inspired by constant observation of the surrounding environment, while  she researches and reflects on the relationship of the spectator and the spectacle. Her visual viewpoint is constructed by her half Athenian, half New Yorker heritage, as her work portrays a nostalgic and expressionistic theatricality to tell stories of different places, of various anthropological traces, as well as memories and historical references. Kyvèli has exhibited in numerous group and solo  exhibitions internationally, from New York, Paris, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Naples and Athens, while her collaborators span from galleries and collectors to film and theatre directors as well as designers and musicians.  In 2021-2022 she was awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship. She is also the founder of KYAN, a project space and artist residency program in Athens, Greece.